Groom Your Dog From Home – 6 Focus Areas

Keeping your dog well-groomed is essential for having your dog looking and feeling its best. Professional dog groomers are readily available, some even offering convenient mobile service. Alternatively, you can learn how to groom your dog from home. This option saves you money and eliminates a potentially anxious experience for your dog. In fact, having the correct tools and learning the correct techniques can provide a bonding and enjoyable experience for you and your dog.


Generally, it is recommended that dogs are given baths once a month. More frequent baths could lead to dry, irritated skin.

Bathe dogs in a shower, tub or sink where warm water is available. Use a gentle shampoo or one specially formulated for your dog’s condition (ie. flea/tick, sensitive skin, odor control, etc.).

Wet your dog thoroughly being careful around the eyes and ears. Apply shampoo over your dog’s entire body and lather using soothing, circular motion starting from the head and moving towards the tail, covering all sections including under body, legs, paws and tail. Not only is this cleansing your dog’s skin and coat, but it also provides your dog with an enjoyable massage. What a treat for your furry buddy!

Rinse thoroughly. Keep in mind that shampoo residue left behind could irritate your dog’s skin and leave a dulling film on your dog’s coat.

If your dog is particularly dirty, rinse and repeat.

Dry with clean towels, giving special attention to drying the inside of the ears. Finish with hand dryer on warm setting if desired. Use a brush during and after drying for maximum fluffiness and shine. Not only will your dog look and smell great, but they will also be refreshed and invigorated from a great bath experience.


Your dog’s breed, coat type and outdoor activity level determines the frequency of brushing. Dogs with long, thick coats require more frequent brushing than those with short coats. Dogs who engage in more outdoor activity require more brushing than more indoor-centric dogs.

Hygienically, brushing removes dust, dirt, debris and dry skin from your dog’s coat. It controls shedding and prevents matting. Further, a good, thorough brushing promotes healthy circulation.

I brush my dogs daily. Not only is it a good grooming habit, but both my dogs and I enjoy it. It’s time well spent together for them to look and feel great and for me to get a pretty good workout too!!!

Flea and Tick Prevention

Fleas and ticks are a source of discomfort and illness to our dogs and people as well. In addition to the bothersome itching and scratching, other serious illnesses include tapeworms, anemia and Lyme disease. Lyme disease is a bacterial illness transmitted to dogs and humans by ticks. Typical symptoms in dogs are fever, loss of appetite, reduced energy, joint swelling and lameness.

Flea and tick prevention is achieved by a variety of methods including shampoos, topical and oral treatment.



Dental Care

Regular dental hygiene is vital in your dog’s home grooming routine. It prevents tooth decay, gum disease, bad breath, oral pain and potential organ damage (heart, kidneys and liver) caused by plaque bacteria entering the bloodstream.

Teeth brushingwater additives which kill plaque and bacteria, food additives for plaque removal, specially formulated food for dental care, and dental treats all provide ways to maintain your dog’s dental health at home.

Daily brushing of your dog’s teeth is best. At the very minimum, teeth brushing should be done a few times every week. Specially designed toothbrushes and finger brushes are available as well as toothpaste designed specifically for dogs.

Excess buildup of tarter may require a professional cleaning by your veterinarian. This procedure requires anesthetizing of your dog. To avoid this procedure and added expense, maintain a good at home dental care program for your dog.

Eyes and Ears

Your dog’s eyes and ears should be routinely checked and cleaned.

Eyes should be bright and clear. Any redness, swelling or changes in appearance as well as excessive blinking or pawing at the eyes should be discussed with your veterinarian immediately. Clean eye discharge with a cotton ball moistened with warm water or dog eye wipes.

Ears should be checked at least once a month. Parasites or ear mites must be treated with specially formulated ear drops, a topical product applied to your dog’s skin, an oral pill or a series of injections given by your vet. Sniff your dog’s ear to check for any unusual or unpleasant odor. Also, check for unusual discharge. Both these indicate an infection which must be treated by your veterinarian. Another indication of an ear problem requiring attention, is excessive head shaking or paw scratching of the ears.

To keep ears healthy, clean at least once monthly with ear cleaning solution or pre-moistened ear wipes. Towel dry ears thoroughly after bathing and swimming to prevent infection.



Nails and Paw Pads

Routinely check your dog’s paw pads for cuts or abrasions, especially if your dogs is licking its paws excessively. Clean with soap and water or antiseptic spray/solution.

A dog requires regular nail trimming whenever its nails touch the ground when it is standing. Nail trimming can be done by your groomer, veterinarian or by you at home given the proper instruction, clippers and styptic powder to stop bleeding caused by close cuts.



Keeping your dog looking and feeling good is easily achieved by keeping up with regular at home grooming. Not only does this keep your dog well groomed, spending this time with your best furry buddy reinforces the strong and special bond you share!